Nerd Tales

A Monster Lurks in the Darkness – The Boogeyman Review

Basic information: Everyone knows that especially children are often afraid of the dark. If the closet door is left open, it must be closed, because of course there could be a monster in there. And there’s always something under the bed! The Boogeyman revolves around this theme. The review contains small spoilers, so prepare yourself …

A Monster Lurks in the Darkness – The Boogeyman Review Read More »

Deck-Building in a Dungeon – Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure Review

Basic information: Clank! (full name Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure, henceforth known as Clank) is exciting in concept. At its core, it is a deck-building game where cards are used to move the pawns in traditional board game style on a board. Players are thieves tasked with sneaking into the dragon’s lair to collect treasures. The …

Deck-Building in a Dungeon – Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure Review Read More »

The feel of the TV series on the big screen – The Three Musketeers: D’Artagnan Review

Basic information: The benefit of the hot meal I won from Finnkino’s Movie Game was about to expire, so I had to go to the movies. The time to go to the movie was as bad as possible in terms of my own taste in movies, because there was nothing on offer that would normally …

The feel of the TV series on the big screen – The Three Musketeers: D’Artagnan Review Read More »

Who am I?

Hi there! Wow, here comes yet another new blog. Whatever, I feel like writing, so I will write! And you will read. Hopefully. There was another reason for creating this blog, which I will reveal in the next post! This will be a mix of introduction and opening text for the blog. Right off the …

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